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I 'm Gautam Jain
PAT at Cognizant
Programmer Analyst Trainee at Cognizant, B.Tech in CSE(2023 Batch) from GNDEC, Ludhiana. I am currently working with technologies like Oracle Apps, Oracle SQL, Oracle PL/SQL, Java, JSP, JDBC, Spring etc. I am always open to opportunities to further polish my skills and participate in technology, project ideas and business discussions.
Hi, my name is Gautam Jain. I am a Tech and Space Enthusiast. I am a CSE Major, and currently, I am working as a PAT in Cognizant.
I have been fascinated by the wondrous aspects of technology ever since i was a kid, and after getting my personal computer after 12th standard my interest sky-rocketed.
I was so amazed by the cool operations one can perform using such small machines like a laptop and a phone. I begin to dive deep into the concepts of the computer science and to get more proficient in the field, enrolled for a Computer Science Undergraduate degree.
I graduated with my bachelors degree from GNDEC, Ludhiana in august 2023. Throughout my course of 4 years, I invested in developing a good understanding of core computer science concepts like discrete mathematics, Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating systems, Database management, CAM, Cyber Security, Compiler Design etc.
Along with my academics, i also invested in developing my problem solving skills by actively indulging in competitive tournaments on platforms like GeeksforGeeks, Leetcode, Code studio, Hacker rank, Code chef and also made a routine of solving daily problem and challenges .
I worked together with my team (college friends and work colleagues) to create innovative, scalable and open-source projects and gained experience in software development by working as student SDE intern at E-Cell, TNP Cell and 11 mantras.
I am currently working as a Programmer Analyst trainee at Cognizant Technology Solutions, brushing my skills in technologies like Oracle Apps, Oracle SQL, Oracle PL/SQL, Java, JSP, JDBC, Spring etc.
I am always open to opportunities to further polish my skills and get a insight to how the daily world functions with the help of technology. Actively Looking for open technology and project idea discussions.
Java/Java EE
Oracle SQL
Oracle PL/SQL
Oracle APPS
Java/Java EE
Oracle SQL
Oracle PL/SQL
Oracle APPS
latest experience
Programmer Analyst Trainee, Cognizant
Certified Skill Development training provided by Professional trainers at Cognizant with routine assessments and practical usage projects, of selected off-campus and campus recruits.
Promotion to full time role after successful completion of the CSD training program and associated assessments and interviews.
Technical Stack - SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle Apps.
Tech Lead & SDE intern - 11mantras
Worked on responsive web components, authentication system using JWT.
Worked with team to create a video conference and chat platform using Socket.js, Peer.js and WebRTC.
Scalable softwares using technologies like React, Javascript, Tailwind, graphql etc. refers to a set of CS activities dedicated to the process of creating, designing, deploying software.
Problem Solving
Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem; identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a solution
Web responsive Design
web development approach that creates dynamic changes to the appearance of a website, depending on the screen size and orientation of the device being used to view it.